Friday, January 29, 2010

Black Pink and White Shower Cake

I've known Haley for many years now as an amazing rock n roll sex in the city single mom, so when her Maid of Honor Amanda asked me to make her wedding shower cake, I jumped at the chance. Her wedding colors are black and white but we all know that she loves a little hot pink. So it was a new chocolate recipe I created for her. I loved adding the pink jeweled ribbon. The shower was great. I especially enjoyed that Haley ended up blind folded and putting on random clothes being given to her out of a suitcase. I've never seen that at a shower, but Haley was a great sport about it! On to the bachelorette party! Congrats Haley!! You and Steve are perfect for eachother!

College Football Cake

Well its no surprise who this family roots for. At 2 years old, Reason spent the day chasing aubrey and miranda around and jumping in his birthday rented moonwalk. His mom even gave presents out to the other kids while he was opening his presents so nobody was left out. How sweet is that? Although I am still waiting to get a pair of those baseball sunglasses. Is stealing them from Aubrey unfair because she is only 2? For the first party cake of 2010, it was a great party and super fun to make his cake! HOOK'EM HORNS!!!

Wine Celebration Cake

Well the end of 2009 did not mean the end of acomplishments. Jenn's graduation party was held at the cutest italian bar called Napoli where the pizza and wine were nonstop flowing. Although there was a slight mishap where we thought that the party was going to be held somewhere else due to a kitchen fire! So while her sister Jessica was randomly txting us that the cake might be going somewhere all worked out and the party was a huge success. This was another Pumpkin Spice cake! Congrats Jenn!

Twilight Cake

You only turn 30 once, so why not do it up vampire style? Especially if you are on Team Edward.

Jennifer's birthday cake combined all the 4 Stephanie Meyer book covers. The party house was decorated with movie posters of Robert Pattinson and the Twilight movie playing in the back ground. Since us ladies love these books so much, it was fun to create this cake for Jennifer. Since her birthday is right around the corner from Halloween, I was happy to deliver the cake dressed as the Mad Hatter. A pimp and maybe a ho were there....some biker people... and someone dressed as a box of tissues???? The birthday girl was some kind of naughty nurse and she looked way under the age of 30. Great party! Happy Birthday Jennifer!


This was a very special cake to make because of the incredible acomplishment that it is to do an IRONMAN. Gretchen asked me to make the cake for her party celebrating this great moment in her life and it was so much fun to make! Often times the IRONMAN symbols are red and blue. We decided to do it a little different for her, the pink is to match her fav jogging shoes and the purple is for the empowerment of all she over came to finish that race. It was my pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting. The figures were tricky but it all worked out. She had a party at Boondoggles with her closest friends and some yummy food. There were friends dressed in T-shirts for Team Placke and Headbands (but im not naming any names). It was a great party to celebrate another awesome part of Gretchen! Congrats G!

Teddy Bear Pink and Brown Baby Shower Cake

Jen picked pink and brown for her baby shower and I was so pleased when she asked me to do the cake. I created a new recipe while making her cake that I now call my Pumpkin Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. It is super moist so it doesnt hold up in the Texas heat and neither does the icing, so from late September to January, this is my favorite cake to make. I love the teddy bear topper I got to create for her cake. It was a beautiful shower. Thanks Gretchen for all your help on the little details. Congrats Jen on your baby girl!

River Cupcakes

I was absolutely thrilled to make cupcakes for the Labor Day Holiday celebrating one of the great traditions in Texas of floating down the guadalupe river in New Braunfels, Texas. These were chocolate fudge with dark chocolate icing and red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing (the blue ones). The little figurines turned out perfect and their tubes I made out of a donut and black fondant. Oh and do not miss the beer in the cooler floating behind them. Everything is edible, the rocks are different types of jelly bellys and chocolate malt balls. They were yummy and they got eaten. To my river crew that I made these for, happy floating 2010!